“JOB” Opportunity: Please Read All the Way Through

International Company Seeking New Team Members: Serious Candidates Only.

A very dear friend of mine joined a company 18 months ago and from this time last year alone is up roughly 240%. Due to the explosive growth they are seeking new team members and partners who would like to benefit from playing a key role in their development. The 13 year old company is debt free and open in 14 international markets. 2013 revenue was $448 Million. The 2014 revenue was $725 Million. The projected revenue for 2015 is $1 Billion (making now a pretty exciting time to jump on their coat tails, notice the growth trend).

“JOB” Description:

Must be willing to make incremental changes in all areas of your life. Must have a desire to consistently improve your health, finances, and mindset on a daily basis. Must enjoy helping others improve their lives as well. Must have a pay-it-forward attitude. Must want to have a sense of contribution. Must want to live a life of no regrets. Must want to teach others how to experience freedom in their lives. Must want to be able to earn money while sleeping. Must want the ability to travel internationally and write the whole trip off. Must want to go to exotic locations for indefinite periods of time (and write that off too). Must love the idea of watching your income grow as you grow as a person. Must have an open mind.

If you’re reading this description and wondering why it doesn’t care about your resume, degree, experience, or the “increased growth you created in a vertical market,”; and, you’re offended that they think the above qualities are more valuable than your ability to “integrate effective strategies and procedures”. Then,  you’re probably not who they are looking for. However, if you do think you are qualified, simply send me a message as to why this appeals to you. I’ll be happy to pass along your information for the next steps in the interview process.

Good Luck!

P.S. Did I mention it’s uncapped earning potential?

[contact-form to=’karen@healthylifestylehabit.org’ subject=’%26quot;JOB%26quot; Opportunity’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]



